Meta, the tech giant behind WhatsApp and Instagram, has announced significant changes to its workforce and operational strategies. In a message to the company’s 72,400 employees, CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined a new approach aimed at raising performance standards, ensuring that Meta retains top talent while facilitating fresh hires. This initiative will involve the dismissal of underperforming employees at a faster pace.
Thousands of Jobs at Risk
According to Meta, the restructuring will impact approximately 5% of its workforce, translating to around 3,600 positions. This comes after the company already laid off thousands of employees in 2023, which Zuckerberg referred to as the “Year of Efficiency.” These measures, he explained, are part of a broader strategy to optimise Meta’s workforce and position the company for future growth.
Controversial Changes to Fact-Checking and Diversity Programs
The announcement comes amid another significant policy shift by Zuckerberg, who has recently been in the spotlight for suspending Meta’s fact-checking programs on Facebook and Instagram in the United States. This decision, he explained, was driven by concerns over perceived political bias among fact-checkers, which he claimed had eroded public trust rather than enhancing it, particularly in the U.S.
The timing of this change coincides with the upcoming presidential transition in the United States. Outgoing President Joe Biden criticised the move as “truly shameful,” highlighting concerns about the impact on information integrity during a politically sensitive period.
Additionally, Meta has decided to end its internal diversity initiatives, signalling a shift in the company’s priorities. These changes reflect Zuckerberg’s broader vision for a leaner and more efficient organisation, albeit one that has sparked widespread debate.
Meta’s latest decisions mark a pivotal moment in the company’s trajectory, as it seeks to balance innovation with efficiency while navigating the complexities of public scrutiny and political challenges.